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Trinity College Dublin

Irish Mercantile Networks in the Low Countries
Veerle Delahaye
IntroductionSourcesArchives • Bibliography •

General Works
Cullen L.M., ‘The Irish diaspora of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries', in: Nicholas Canny (ed.), Europeans on the move: studies on European migration , Oxford , Clarendon Press, 1994, pp. 113-149.

Cullen L.M., ‘Apotheosis and crisis: the Irish diaspora in het age of Choiseul', in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish Communities in Early-Modern Europe , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 6-31.

Dickson D., New foundations Ireland 1660-1800 , Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2000, 248 p.

Dickson D., Old world colony, Cork and South Munster 1630-1830 , Cork, Cork University Press, 2005, 726 p.

Ohlmeyer J., ‘Seventeenth-century Ireland and Scotland and their wider worlds', in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish Communities in Early-Modern Europe , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 457-483.

Mercantile Networks (In General)
Duteil J., ‘Notice sur la famille Archdeacon en Angleterre, en Irlande, à Douai, à Bruges et à Dunkerque', in: Bulletin de l'Union Faulconnier , vol. 6, Dunkerque, 1903, pp. 101-108.

Cullen L.M., ‘ Galway merchants in the outside world, 1650- 1800' , in: D. O'Cearbhaill, Galway , town and crown 1484-1984 , Dublin , Gill and Macmillan, 1984, pp. 63-89.

Hancock D., Citizens of the World. London Merchants and the Integration of the British Atlantic Community, 1735-1785 , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1995, 477 p.

Mercantile Networks (Ireland)
Agnew J., Belfast merchant families in the seventeenth century , Dublin , Four Courts Press, 1996, 273 p.

Cullen L.M., ‘ Ireland and Irishmen in eighteenth-century privateering', in: Course et piraterie: etudes presentées à la commission international d'histoire maritime, Paris , 1975, i, 468 p.

Cullen L.M., ‘The Blackwater catholics and county Cork society and politics in the eighteenth century' in: P. O'Flanagan en C. G. Buttimer (eds.), Cork: History and Society , Dublin, Geography Publications, pp. 535-584.

Cullen L.M., ‘The Dublin merchant community in the eighteenth century', in: L.M. Cullen & P. Butel (eds.), Cities and merchants: French and Irish perspectives on urban development 1500-1900 , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 1986, pp. 195-209.

Cullen L.M., ‘The smuggling trade in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century', in: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy , vol. 67, section C, n°5, Dublin , 1969, pp. 149-175.

Dickson D., ‘Butter comes to the market: the origins of commercial dairing in county Cork ' in: P. O'Flanagan & C. G. Buttimer (eds.), Cork: History and Society , Dublin , Geography Publications, pp. 367-390.

Dickson D., ‘The Cork merchant community in the eighteenth century: a regional perspective', in: Butel P. en Cullen L.M. (eds.), Négoce et Industrie en France et en Irlande au XVIIIe et XIX siècles, Paris, 1980, pp. 45-50.

Gulliver P.H. en Silvermann M., Merchants and shopkeepers, a historical anthropoloy of an Irish Market Town, 1200-1991 , University of Toronto Press, Toronto-Buffalo-London, 1995, 440 p.

Mannion J., ‘Vessels, masters and seafaring: patterns in Waterford voyages, 1766- 1771' , in: W. Nolan and T.P. Power (eds.), Waterford: History and Society , Dublin , Geography Publications, 1992, pp. 373-402.

Milne K., ‘The corporation of Waterford in the eighteenth century', in: W. Nolan and T.P. Power (eds.), Waterford: History and Society , Dublin , Geography Publications, 1992, pp. 309-330.

Morris H.F., ‘The principal inhabitants of county Waterford in 1746' , in: W. Nolan and T.P. Power (eds.), Waterford: History and Society , Dublin , Geography Publications, 1992, pp. 331-350.

Ohlmeyer J., ‘The Dunkirk of Ireland: Wexford privateers during the 1640's', Journal of the Wexford Historical Society , 12, 1988-1989, pp. 23-30.

Walton J., ‘The merchant community of Waterford in the 16 th and 17 th centuries', in: Butel P. & L.M. Cullen (eds.), Cities and merchants: French and Irish perspectives on urban development, 1500-1900 , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 1986, pp. 190-192.

Mercantile Networks (England)
Bailey G., ‘The Nesbitts of London and their networks', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent, Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Cullen L.M., ‘The two George Fitzgeralds of London, 1718- 1759' , in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent, Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Truxes T.M., ‘ London 's Irish merchant community in mid-eighteenth century North Atlantic commerce', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent , Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Mercantile Networks (France)
Bracken D., ‘Piracy and poverty: aspects of the Irish jacobite experience in France, 1691- 1720' in: Thomas O'Connor (ed.), The Irish in Europe 1580-1815 , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, pp. 127-142.

Cullen L.M., The Brandy Trade under the Ancien Régime. Regional Specialisation in the Charente , Cambridge , Cambridge University Press, 1998, 284 p.

Cullen L.M., The Irish Brandy Houses of Eighteenth-Century France , Dublin , Lilliput Press, 2000, 244 p.

Cullen L.M., ‘The Irish merchant communities of Bordeaux, La Rochelle and Cognac in the eighteenth century' , in: Butel P. & Cullen L.M. (ed.), Négoce et Industrie en France et en Irlande aux XVIII et XIX siècles , Paris, 1980, pp. 51-63.

Daudry P., Familles de la marine Dunkerquoise , Westhoek-editions, Dunkerque, 1979, 702 p.

Delumeau J., Le mouvement du port de Saint-Malo: la fin du XVIIe siècle (1681-1710), Rennes, 1967, s.p.

Lespagnol A., Messieurs de Saint-Malo. Une élite négociante au temps de Louis XIV , Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1997, 867 p.

Lyons M.A., ‘The emerge of an Irish community in Saint-Malo, 1550- 1710' in: Thomas O'Connor (ed.) The Irish in Europe 1580-1815 , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, pp. 107-126.

Ó Ciosáin E., ‘Les irlandais en Bretagne, 1603-1780: ‘invasion', accueil, intégration', in: C. Laurent and H. Davis (eds.), Irlande et Bretagne: vingt siècles d'histoire , Rennes, 1994, pp. 152-166.

Ó Ciosáin E., ‘A hundred years of Irish migration to France, 1590- 1688' , in: Thomas O'Connor (ed.) The Irish in Europe 1580-1815 , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, pp. 93-106.

Pfister C., ‘Dunkerque et l'Irlande, 1690- 1790' , in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent , Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Poussou J.P., ‘Louis Cullen: De l'histoire des communautés marchandes irlandaises en France, à celle des eaux-de-vie et de l'histoire economique de la France au XVIIIe siècle', in: David Dickson & Cormac Ó Gráda (eds.), Refiguring Ireland, essays in honor of L.M. Cullen , Lilliput Press, Dublin, 2003, pp. 136-146.

Saupin G., ‘Les réseaux commerciaux des Irlandais de Nantes sous le règne de Louis XIV', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent, Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Mercantile Networks (Low Countries)
Degryse K. en Parmentier J., ‘Kooplieden en kapiteins. Een prosopografische studie van de kooplieden, supercargo's en scheepsofficieren van de Oostendse handel op Oost-Indië en Guinea (1716-1732)' in: Collectanea Maritima VI , Brussel, 1995, pp. 119-241.

Klein P.W., ‘“Little London ”. British merchants in Rotterdam during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries' in: Coleman D.C. and Mathias P. (eds.), Enterprise and history. Essays in honour of Charles Wilson , Cambridge , 1984, pp. 116-134.

Parmentier J., Het gezicht van de Oostendse handelaar. Studie van de Oostendse kooplieden, reders en ondernemers actief in de internationale maritieme handel en visserij tijdens de 18 de eeuw, Oostende, 2004, 464 p.

Parmentier J., Oostende en C°. Het verhaal van de Zuid-Nederlandse Oost-Indiëvaart 1715-1735 , Gent/Amsterdam, Ludion, 2002, 143 p.

Parmentier J., ‘The Irish Connection. The Irish Merchant Community in Ostend and Bruges during the late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries' , in: Eighteenth-Century Ireland , vol. 20 (2005), pp. 31-54.

Parmentier J., ‘The Ray dynasty: Irish mercantile empire builders in Ostend, 1690- 1790' , in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish Communities in Early-Modern Europe , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 367-382.

Parmentier J., ‘The Sweets of Commerce. The Hennessys of Ostend and their network in the eighteenth century', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent, Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Mercantile Networks (North America)
Byrne C., ‘The Waterford Colony in Newfoundland 1700- 1850' , in: W. Nolan and T.P. Power (eds.), Waterford: History and Society , Dublin , Geography Publications, 1992, pp. 351-372.

Kelly J., ‘Transportation from Ireland to North-America, 1703- 1789' , in: David Dickson & Cormac Ó Gráda (eds.), Refiguring Ireland , essays in honor of L.M. Cullen , Dublin , Lilliput Press, 2003, pp. 112-135.

Mannion J., ‘A transatlantic merchant fishery: Richard Welsh of New Ross and the Sweetmans of Newbawn in Newfoundland 1734- 1862' , in: Kevin Whelan (ed.), Wexford: History and Society , Dublin , Geography Publications, 1987, pp. 373-421.

Truxes T.M. (ed.), Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham 1756-1757. Merchants of New York and Belfast , Oxford / New York , Oxford University Press, 2001, 430 p.

Truxes T.M., ‘New York City's Irish merchants and trade with the enemy during the Seven Years War', in: David Dickson & Cormac Ó Gráda (eds.), Refiguring Ireland, essays in honor of L.M. Cullen , Lilliput Press, Dublin, 2003, pp. 147-164.

Mercantile Networks (Spain)
Acedos A. Bilbao, The Irish Community in the Basque Country c. 1700-1800 , Dublin , 2003, circa 200 p.

Alvarez Pantoja M.J., ‘Irlandeses en Sevilla en el siglo XVIII: White, Plunket y Compañia', in: M.B. Villar García (ed.), La emigración irlandesa en el siglo XVIII , Málaga, 2000, pp. 21-40.

Bruquetas de Castro F., ‘Los Stafford, una familia irlandesa en España', in: M.B. Villar García y P. Pezzi Cristóbal (eds.), Los Extranjeros en la España Moderna , Málaga, 2003, t. II, pp. 139-148.

Chauca García J., ‘Irlandeses en el comercio gaditano-americano del Setecientos', in: M.B. Villar García y P. Pezzi Cristóbal (eds.), Los Extranjeros en la España Moderna , Málaga, 2003, t. I, pp. 267-278.

Lario de Oñate M. del Carmen, ‘Irlandeses y Británicos en Cádiz en el siglo XVIII', in: M.B. Villar García y P. Pezzi Cristóbal (eds.), Los Extranjeros en la España Moderna , Málaga, 2003, t. I, pp. 417-425.

Lario de Oñate M. del Carmen, La colonia mercantil británica e irlandesa en Cádiz a finales del siglo XVIII , Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Cádiz, 2000, 295 p.

Lario de Oñate M. Del Carmen, ‘The Irish trade presence in Cádiz during the eighteenth century', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent, Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Fannin S., ‘Carew, Langton and Power, an Irish trading house in Cádiz, 1745- 1761' , in: M.B. Villar García y P. Pezzi Cristóbal, Los Extranjeros en la España Moderna , Málaga, 2003, t. I, pp. 347-352.

Fannin S., ‘The Irish community in eighteenth-century Cádiz', in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish migrants in Europe after Kinsale, 1602-1820 , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003, pp. 135-148.

Marmolejo Lopez M.I. y J.M. de la Pascua Sanchez , ‘Comerciantes irlandeses en Cádiz, 1700- 1800' , in: L.M. Enciso Recio (ed.), La burguesia española en la Edad Moderna , Valladolid, 1996, vol. 3, pp. 1209-1227.

Murphy M., ‘Irish students and merchants in Seville, 1598- 1798' , in: M.B. Villar García y P. Pezzi Cristóbal (eds.), Los Extranjeros en la España Moderna , Málaga, 2003, pp. 565-571.

Murphy M., ‘Varieties of Irishness in eighteenth-century Seville: Wisemans and Whites', in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish Communities in Early-Modern Europe , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 312-321.

Schüller K., ‘General characteristics of the Irish-Iberian trade from the mid-sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent , Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming).

Schüller K., ‘Irish migrant networks and rivalries in Spain, 1575- 1659' , in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish migrants in Europe after Kinsale, 1602-1820 , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003, pp. 88-103.

Villar García M.B., ‘Irish migration and exiles in Spain: refugees, soldiers, traders and statesmen', in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish Communities in Early-Modern Europe , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 172-199.

Mercantile Networks (Sweden)
Müller L., ‘Scottish and Irish entrepreneurs in eighteenth-century Sweden East India trade and iron', in: David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Gent, Academia Press, 2006 (forthcoming)

Murdoch S., ‘Irish entrepreneurs and Sweden in the first half of the eighteenth century', in: Thomas O'Connor & Mary Ann Lyons (eds.), Irish Communities in Early-Modern Europe , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 348-366.

Catterall D., Community without borders, Scots migrants and the changing face of power in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1700 , Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2002, 411 p.

Wetherell C., ‘Historical Social Network Analysis', International Review of Social History , 13, 1998, pp. 125-144.

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