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Module Details for SOU33072 Comparative Sociology of Europe (Part 2 HT)

Module Code


Module Name

Comparative Sociology of Europe

ECTS weighting


Semester/term taught

Hilary Term

Learning Outcomes

Reflect theoretical approaches to internationally comparative sociology
• Describe the peculiarities of contemporary European Societies, their diversity and
similarity, in terms of social and demographic structure and change
• Critically evaluate comparative research in terms of its methodological approach and to reflect advantages and shortcomings of various research designs

Module Content

This module provides (1) an overview to theoretical approaches as well as various analytical strategies related to internationally comparative research in general and across Europe.
Having laid down the foundations, the lecture will (2) contour European societies based on selected topics related to social and demographic change. The discussion of comparative sociological research on Europe (and beyond) will (3) be illuminated by drawing upon
pertinent comparative studies adopting different modes of research methodology and design (e.g., small-N vs. large-N, cross-sectional vs. longitudinal). Further, the module will (4) present common issues in applying qualitative as well as quantitative techniques of comparison and possible solutions as found in the literature.

Assessment Details

Coursework Assignment 100%