Research People

Academic Staff

Over the past 3 years principal investigators have secured €8m in funding from agencies such as:

  • Enterprise Ireland
  • European Commission
  • Irish Research Council
  • Science Foundation Ireland
  • Southside Partnership DLR
  • USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
  • Elrha

Postdoctoral research fellows have been successful in securing €1.5m in funding from agencies such as:

  • Enterprise Ireland
  • Science Foundation Ireland
  • European Commission
  • Home Office UK

Research Staff

Research Students

PhD students in the School of Psychology are currently supported by funding from Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarships (16) and TCD Postgraduate Awards (16), or by grants held by academic staff from the Health Research Board (3), European Commission (3), European Research Council (2), National Children's Hospital Foundation (1), CONTEXT scholarship(3), Roas SafetyAuthority(1), Maria Sklodowska Curie(1) and some students are self-funded or funded through their employer