Welcome to the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Welcome to the website of School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin. Our School was established in 1977, is the oldest academic pharmaceutical institution in Ireland and is ranked first in Ireland.

John Gilmer, Head of School

Over the past 30 years we have educated generations of community pharmacists, clinical pharmacists and pharmaceutical industry leaders who work now in Ireland and worldwide. We take great pride in the achievements of our alumni as their success is a measure of our educational achievement.

We hope that you will find information you are seeking in our web pages; however, any further enquiries can be directed to:

The School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin,
Panoz Institute,
Dublin 2,

School Head and Directors:

Prof. John Gilmer
Head of School

Assoc. Prof. Astrid Sasse
Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate)

Assoc. Prof. Cathal Cadogan
Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate)

Prof. Anne Marie Healy
Director of Research

Helen Thornbury
School Administrative Manager