Up with the lark hiding the bivouacs from aircraft

2nd August 1916 Wednesday

Up with the lark 4.45am hiding the bivouacs from aircraft by building them under bushes and covering them with boughs. Breakfast 8am. Anderson, Mallory and King with Sgts Wray, Carter, Marsh went up to the trenches a mile away in the morning. Thompson and I with our Sergts – and [?]J.M in the afternoon. Back in camp dinner. Marched out 8pm and relieved 11(S)  [?] The Camerons (Scottish Rifle) 26 Div in the PITON ROCHEUX sector Kilindir. I took over a small hill the forward side entrenched due N of ROCHEUX, called L’Oubli with great solemnity on the recommendation of a young Scotchman. I set out outrageously large defence parties. Platoon hopelessly small as so many are in hospital. 28 all told out of 75. I had 50 fighting men only three months ago and 50 leaving England.
Stayed about most of the night – to 1.45 in fact – then turned in till 3.30. You can, and generally have to, do with precious little sleep here. I suppose 5 hours in twenty four is the most I have had since leaving Pirnar and not generally that.