Every moment spent amongst the ruins whence Abraham fled

TCD MS 10515 folio 78r

TCD MS 10515 folio 78r

[May 9th 1916]

In company with fourteen other officers and a cavalry escort I visited the ruins of Ur some three miles distant. Every moment spent amongst the ruins whence Abraham fled was of fascinating interest. I have described my observations in my Natural History records.

Wednesday: May 10th 1916: Nasiriyah

At length we have reached our destination, the town of Nasiriyah at the junction of the Shatt-el-Hai with the Euphrates. 145 miles of desert lies behind us.

At 6a.m. we moved from our camp beneath the shadow of the ruins of Ur and continued along an embankment constructed by the Nasiriyah garrison to act as road raised above the level of the floods.