Our carts stuck amongst the bullocks.

TCD MS 10515 folio 68r

TCD MS 10515 folio 68r

[May 2nd 1916]

first attempts at sand-dunes that I had seen in the desert. There absence over so vast an area of exposed plain was due, I suppose, to the adhesive clay being too firm and compact to be swept about by the wind, but here the sand was looser and more crumbling and lent itself to the formation of small dunes. Our carts stuck amongst the bullocks. We had a number of bullock hospital tongas which found themselves in difficulties at every mound. The wheels sunk deep down into the sand and the animals were helpless to drag them. Men had to be sent back to manhandle the tongas over the bad places while the sick, with the exception of the worst, had to potter along as well as they could. One tonga came to utter grief; it was