The Hooded Crow is very common on the Shatt al Arab.

TCD MS 10515 folio 19v

TCD MS 10515 folio 19v

[March 8th 1916]motion, number three will follow number two, number four will follow number three and so on down the line from the leader to the last, each bird commencing and continuing the movements of the preceding bird, and with such regularity and deliberation, that the chain of motion flows like a wave along the whole line of flight. *The Hooded Crow is very common on the Shatt al Arab. It differs from the corresponding species of the North Western Himalaya in that the grey neck and body of the Indian species is replaced by a vivid white plumage contrasting with the black wings in as marked distinction as the colouring of a magpie. These species *Corrus capellanus