The Gunboat will not come into action

TCD MS 10515 folio 134 verso

TCD MS 10515 folio 134 verso

The duties of the other parties were simple
No. 3 Party This would consist of the remainder of the regiment with the gun-cotton section. It was to remain with the Officer Commanding as a ????? in the palm trees (3) that skirt the river. It would reinforce either No. 1 or No. 2 party if required, and would, if the enemy escaped, destroy the vil-lage and blow up the towers. My pos-ition is with this party.
No 4 Party – This consists of the Gunboats. It will take up a position at the junction of Garmat Sultan canal with the river ?? (4 in map) from which point a clear field of fire is obtainable against the village. But the Gunboat will not come into action unless the attack-ing party is held up by fire and un-able to advance. This is an event which we consider most unlikely.