Spent the afternoon of Saturday in the Bazaar

TCD MS 10515 folio 119 recto

TCD MS 10515 folio 119 recto

Mesopotamia will be nearing its end.
Spent the afternoon of Saturday in the Bazaar, searching for curios. We explored shops of all descriptions, noting the simple and ingenious devices in the various workmanships. I was interested to find that one of the sea-shells found at Ur is here considered an antique and is sold to make necklaces for Arab ladies. I found a rectangular piece of clay marked with uniform inscriptions. The piece, 5 rupees, was by persuasion reduced to one. Later we visited the scaffold in the market square, then had an ice-drink at the factory and returned to camp.

Tuesday: May 30th 1916: Nasiriyah
Passed a pleasant and instructive