So many of its glens and pine woods are spots of happy recollection

TCD MS 10515 folio 7v

TCD MS 10515 folio 7v

Feb. 24th 1916

to see the pretty station once again, to gaze in the mountain valley where I spent some happy years and the hills over which I loved to wander. So many of its glens and pine woods are spots of happy recollection that I was glad of the opportunity to see it again. We arrived in the morning and I dined in the evening with the 35th Sikhs who now occcupy the station. Friday:

Feb 25th 1916: Abbatrabad A wet and miserable morning. The surrounding mountains and the distant glistening snows, which, above all, I longed to see again, are hidden beneath heavy rain clouds or screened by a dense mist. This morning Col. Lucas received a wire to the effect that the 1st Battalion