Sisters Proctor and Wood were angels of goodness

TCD MS 10853 folio 113 recto

TCD MS 10853 folio 113 recto

smiling” and “Look out mother when the Band begins to Play” that I set about getting well.
The dressings were painful but on the whole all went well and kindly morphia in very small quantities gave me good sleep. Sisters Proctor and Wood were angels of goodness to me and Dr. Crawford was splendid. He would say “Well, I’ll just give you a whiff of gas Raws for I want to do something this morning”. I took gas fine and didn’t have bad after effects like some boys had. Sister Stuart the commandant, and the other sisters and Doctors were very good to Father and Mother who came to see me every day, at any time they liked. Having seen me well on the road to recovery they left for home on Sat. May 15th.
Captain Mann came to see me on that day for