Seven relief-bellums came alongside by 10.30 a.m.

TCD MS 10516 folio 13 verso

TCD MS 10516 folio 13 verso

Friday: August 4th 1916: Hamar Lake

In the morning we saw a river bellum passing about half a mile distant on our port side. We hailed her as we intended to send off word to Hakika for a convoy of large empty bellums to be brought to our assistance in order to take off some of our cargo and lighten the steamer. The bellum took no notice of our shouts to heave to, so we sent a shot from a rifle across her bows. This quickly brought the Arab boatmen to their senses. She soon lowered her sail and came alongside.
The general, who was aboard our boat, with some orderlies, embarked and went for assistance to Hakika. Seven relief-bellums came alongside by 10.30 a.m. We filled five of them with kit and most of our men. This took some hours; the ship was appreciably lightened.