Saw some Belgian Wounded Soldiers

TCD MS 10853 folio 53 recto

TCD MS 10853 folio 53 recto

Tyson got us fixed up in a fine empty house with a fire and gas cooker and everything.  We had the best of food and enjoyed this pleasant change from the Canterbury routine immensely.
Wed. Jan 27th.  Quiet day rested most of the time.  Nice night only a bit cold.  Did two guards 9-11, 3-5.
Thurs.  Saw some Belgian Wounded Soldiers and had a chat in bad French to one of them, who had been wounded in the siege at Antwerp.  Lovely night duties 2 on and 6 off owing to new arrangement.  Roads very quiet, only saw one car while we were here.
Fri.  Left for Canterbury at 8.40 in time to see the Boys start for Sandwich and we are to go to-morrow.
Sat.  Left for Sandwich with the Sittingbourne party and a few others.  Got medically examined again here and then proceeded to our billets