Orders had been issued that no Arabs were to be fired on

TCD MS 10515 folio 137 verso

TCD MS 10515 folio 137 verso

the scouts with the Gurkha section could intercept their escape. They might have done this with the greatest ease were they free to fire on the villagers, every one of whom was armed. But they had no such liberty. Strict orders had, on political grounds, been issued that no Arabs were to be fired on unless they first fired on us. The escaping villagers, in the forefront of whom was the Sheik, fired no shot and absolutely refused to stop when called upon to do so. The scouts in their undisciplined enthusiasm, however, did fire a few volleys. The Arabs threw away their rifles in their eagerness to escape. Thus nothing could be done; the position was ludicrous; armed men were despatched to seize a sheik but were not to use their arms unless the /