Madame now puts a hot brick in my bed

TCD MS 10247/1/825 folio 4 recto

TCD MS 10247/1/825 folio 4 recto

[3 March 1917] writing while I’m waiting for breakfast to arrive – this morning is very different from yesterday, grey but nice & mild though patches of snow still on the ground (breakfast come) (Later). I don’t thing I’ve much more to say so will end now.

Very much love from y[ou]r [? ever loving] son


Will you please convey my apologies to V. and say I was awfully glad to get her last letter a day or so ago & really hope to answer all her letters soon. C.W.W.

I hope to get over to see [? J] again next week. The course altogether lasts 4 weeks.

Madame has now developed the habit of putting a hot brick wrapped in paper in my bed at night!!!!