Its sensitive limbs diverge so as to rest on radii

TCD MS 10516 folio 77 verso

TCD MS 10516 folio 77 verso

[12th October 1916] sometimes transfer it to the opposite tarsus to gain an additional purchase, and, not until it has, with no little labour, pulled from its own abdomen a sufficient length of line, is it able to attach the spiral /
(e). It does not complete the radii before commencing the hub; but may run out a few radii, then take a turn on the hub, and then again resume the radii.
(f). Economy of Silk: – After wrapping insects in a coat of silk, it later devours both the insect and its silken covering.
(g). When seated at the centre of the snare, its sensitive limbs diverge so as to rest on radii coming from all parts of the circumference. It can in this way detect vibrations in all directions as it is in tactile communication with every area of the snare.