I trust I shall be in the entrance of the victorious army

TCD MS 10515 folio 35v

TCD MS 10515 folio 35v

[April 7th 1916]drives the myriads of flies into a purer and brighter world.

Tuesday: April 11th 1916: Basra

On the 9th we heard that the Russians had occupied Mandali to the N.E. of Baghdad. They are thus nearer the goal than our armies in Kut. The question is, “are we or are the Russians going to be the conquerers of Baghdad”. I trust I shall be in the entrance of the victorious army but unfortunately rumour has it that we are destined for the Euphrates force at Nasiriyah. Each day is uneventful. This morning I went to Basra but could collect no reliable news of our position at the front. Silence is not pleasant just now as many things are expected of the force advancing in Kut. No news, I observe, in this war, is bad news. Our own future