I think the Hun must control the weather

TCD MS 10247/1/825 folio 2 recto

TCD MS 10247/1/825 folio 2 recto

[3 March 1917] solid – a regular Christmas card picture however it cleared up at midday, and this afternoon was heavenly, though fearfully slushy. What the trenches must be like – sometimes I really think the Hun must control the weather as <on> every single possible occasion it serves to work on his side.

Here Madame has really quite won my heart! to look at she’s large and round and good natured – her whole place is absolutely spotlessly clean and tidy, a great contrast to the usual French place – though certainly the externals do usually rather belie the insides I think in this country. Anyway Madame’s a real good sort – & my room for comfort would do credit to the Shelbourne and for cleanliness and tidiness would I’m sure far surpass it. Madame herself has a real kind heart & is always looking out to make one comfortable. She also washes & mends clothes & does anything of that sort. Moser and a few other chaps also stop here – the other day she pulled some rabbits she had and invited them to a dinner – no end of courses Moser said, and she wouldn’t here of taking