I spent the afternoon, half naked

TCD MS 10515 folio 127 verso

TCD MS 10515 folio 127 verso

Directions. Another man had his chest studded with penetrating wounds; another, wounded in the abdomen was partly eviscerated. The last case dies shortly after I saw him. Seven others has less severe wounds. We hurried the wounded to the field ambulance. Pynder dies shortly after arrival, never having regained consciousness. I amputated the jemedar’s two fingers but fear his head wounds may cause trouble. A very hot day with a scorching wind . I spent the afternoon, half naked, wrapped in wet towels, the only way of keeping cool. At 6pm we attended Poynders funeral. Gun-carraiges [sic], firing parties, last post and all the ceremonial of a military funeral accompanied. It is no doubt very impressive but savours too much of the outward display and form.