How are you this wretched evening

TCD MS 11274/76 folio 1 recto

TCD MS 11274/76 folio 1 recto

Monday 16th [?1917]
My dearest, How are you this wretched evening I thought this morning was going to be like spring for the sun was shining brightly but it is raw and cold this morning. If youre still at Olives open air palace at Kildare you will be very cold. It is a pity not to be comfortable while you can. Im sorry you had that bad dream about me and Sean a very unlikely dream ever to happen, We are better off in the semi-open warfare than in the old trench circumstances because the enemy hasnt got time to locate us before he is off again. I got a present from the Leslie Smith little girl this morning in response to a postcard I sent her for Easter. It was a funny doll that she sent to me. There was never 3 days between letter ; there may however have between 3 days between the sending of them for Heaven knows how the ones I wrote and left to go got on. It is