Hear that I am to go on leave

TCD MS 10822 folio 25 recto

TCD MS 10822 folio 25 recto

[June 5th 1917] we had a very good concert.
June 6th. Still very hot. Ordinary parades. In the afternoon went to see a demonstration of Tanks. Sixteen did a sham attack on our old trenches in the F. Sector. It was quite interesting and there were crowds of spectators, mostly staff, who were evidently anxious to say that they had seen a tank. They were remarkably silent and could barely be heard a hundred yards away. Some also could go 7 to 8 miles per hour on favourable ground and their powers of rapid turning were very good. Just back to camp in time to avoid a dust storm and thunderstorm. The 7th Bt Band then played to us very nicely.
June 7th. An early rise. Spent the morning field firing. Weather very hot. The Brigadier & Div General were both watching. On arrival back in Camp found the Corps Commander making a tour of camps. Heavy thunderstorm in afternoon: then succeeded in collecting some very nice flowers in Beaurain. The Brigadier dined with us in the evening and came on to our concert. Hear that I am to go on leave to-morrow morning early.
June 8th. Left Beaurains at 7 a.m. in a car with Bruce and arrived at Boulogne at 10 a.m. and reached London 3 p.m. Pretty quite quick going.
July 6th. There is here a hiatus in my diary as I have been too lazy to write lately and there has been very little of interest to record. I returned from leave to England on June 19th getting back here in 7 ½ hours from London, which is very quick travelling. A car met us at Boulogne and took us direct back to our destination. Since then we have been resting in the village of Puchevillers, about 12 miles from Amiens. The whole time we have been very busy training, field firing etc and occupied with all sorts of Brigade Competitions in which we have done very well. The Concert Party performs every other night and what with a Cinema and other attractions in the village, the men have had plenty of amusements in the evening. The weather on the whole has been good and has interfered very little with the training. Drafts of very poor