Are they going to have conscription

TCD MS 11274/11 folio 2 verso

TCD MS 11274/11 folio 2 verso

[22 November 1915]

bother you much. They generally end in S in the first person and I or E in the third, anyway it doesnt much matter about verbs. I dont know what news at all I have today we have had an easy time of it lately though lots of bombarding all the time. Are they going to have conscription. I suppose not. I think they are afraid
(1) Of the Workers
(2) Of the Irish
Joe has a fairly good article in the New Statesman Ive just received. It is the best in a very mediocre number. The New Statesman is the most indefinite & uncertain timid paper there is. Must love bear I hope to hear from you demain
Your loving Pat