All was now plain sailing;

TCD MS 10516 folio 14 recto

TCD MS 10516 folio 14 recto

[4th August 1916] She made a little headway under her own steam but again soon stuck. Then we discharged a ton of coal into another bellum, again made some progress and again grounded. The boat was now almost as light as possible. The anchors, chains, portable machinery were placed in another bellum, but still she refused to float. So we again commenced to tow with thirty men; this time sweepers from Meerut who had come to assist in the relief bellums. We now made gradual progress; after an hour of manhandling we reached deeper water and were afloat. All was now plain sailing; we were close to the exit of the lake and soon reached Hakika.

Saturday: August 5th 1916: Nasiriyah.
Reloaded the kit by which we had