The Dramatic Society used to give entertainments

TCD MS 10823 folio 23 recto

TCD MS 10823 folio 23 recto

[April-Sept 1918] There was quite a good library in the camp, as all those that who had received books and had read them presented them to the library, so that by the time we came there, there was quite a good collection, though mostly of the lighter variety.
All the Dramatic Talent in the Camp was collected into the Dramatic Society, who used periodically to give us various entertainments. Towards the end they improved very much, <so also did> the new string orchestra that was started, but at the beginning  these functions were apt to be the occasions for a good deal of dissipation.
On alternate Sundays we were allowed to go to the Lutheran Church in the town. Not more than four or five of us ever availed ourselves of the privilege. The Church was an ugly modern building with large galleries all round. There was not a bad organ, but the singing was very bad, and the attendance poor. The Parson used always to preach the most doleful sermons regarding the conditions of the country and the sufferings that the people had to endure owing to the war. I always enjoyed listening to his gloomy descriptions of life in Germany.
I had never <before> realized how extraordinary corrupt the average German was. Possibly want of food and poor nourishment had increased this characteristic but I scarcely ever <met with> a German who was not bribable with soap, chocolate cocoa or food. Their substitutes for soap was a kind of pumicestone and very poor; soap itself was not to be bought with money, so that for a cake of soap, they were quite ready to make any sacrifice. It