Dr. Alison Dougall
Associate Professor/Consultant (Professo, Dental Science
Training Undergraduate Leeds Dental Institute 1981-86 Postgraduate - Eastman Dental Institute 1998-2001 Senior Dentist Special Care and Sedatyion 2001-3 Clinical Director of Special Care Dentistry and Salaried Services Warwickshire (UK) 2003-6 Consultant for medically Fomrpomsed Patients DDUH 2006-present
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Limeres Posse J, van Harten M , Mac Giolla Phadraig C, Diniz Freitas M, Faulks D, Dougall A Daly B, Diz Dios P. , The Impact of the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Providing Special Care Dentistry: A Survey for Dentists, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (6), 2021, p2970 - 4
MacGiolla Phadraig C, van Harten MT, Diniz-Freitas M Limeres Posse J, Faulks D, Dougall A, Dios Diz P,Daly B, The impact of COVID-19 on access to dental care for people with disabilities: a global survey during the COVID-19 first wave lockdown , Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal , 2021
Alok Srivastava, Elena Santagostino, Alison Dougall, Steve Kitchen, Megan Sutherland, Steven W Pipe, Manuel Carcao, Johnny Mahlangu, Margaret V Ragni, Jerzy Windyga, Adolfo Llinas, Nicholas J Goddard, Richa Mohan, Pradeep M Poonnoose, Brian M Feldman, Sandra Zelman Lewis, H Marijke van den Berg, Glenn F Pierce, European Haemophilia Therapy Standardisation Board. Management of acute haemarthrosis in haemophilia A without inhibitors: literature review , Haemophilia, 17, 2021, p383 - 384
Mairead O'Donovan, Evelyn Singleton, Sheila Roche, Mark McGowan, Julie Benson, Catherine Bergin, Rachel Bird, Mary Byrne, Cleona Duggan, Ruth Gilmore, Kevin Ryan, Alison Dougall, James S O'Donnell, Niamh M O'Connell, Single centre, real‐world experience of perioperative rFIXFc use in adult patients with haemophilia B undergoing major and minor surgery, Haemophilia, 27, (6), 2021, p690 - 697
A Dougall, G Molina, C Mac Giolla Phadraig, Covid-19 vaccination among people with disability , Special Care in Dentistry, 41, (6), 2021, p655 - 657
H Ayup, M O'Sullivan, NS Ishak, L Parkinson, B Daly, A Dougall, Newer therapies in management of haemophilia opens up prosthodontic opportunities: A Case Report, MEDICINA ORAL PATOLOGIA ORAL Y CIRUGIA BUCAL, 26, 2021, p23 - 25
Doherty D, Lavin M, O'Sullivan JM, Ryan K, O'Connell NM, Dougall A, Byrne M, Rafferty M, Doyle MM, Di Paola J, James PD, O'Donnell JS, Management of elective procedures in low von Willebrand factor patients in the LoVIC study., Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2021
Anishchuk, S. Daly, B. Dougall A, Presence and impact of bleeding from the mouth in people living with von Willebrand's disease in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 189, 2020, p11-27
O'Donovan M, Buckley C, Benson J, Roche S, McGowan M, Parkinson L, Byrne P, Rooney G, Bergin C, Walsh D, Bird R, McGroarty F, Fogarty H, Smyth E, O'Connell NM, Telehealth for delivery of haemophilia comprehensive care during the COVID-19 pandemic., Haemophilia : the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia, 2020
Dougall A Bajkin B, Current state of play regarding dental extractions in patients with haemophilia: Consensus or evidence‐based practice? A review of the literature, Haemophilia , 2020
Alison Dougall, COVID‐19 a personal reflection, Special Care in Dentistry, 40, (3), 2020, p216-
Alok Srivastava, Elena Santagostino, Alison Dougall, Steve Kitchen, Megan Sutherland, Steven W Pipe, Manuel Carcao, Johnny Mahlangu, Margaret V Ragni, Jerzy Windyga, Adolfo Llinás, Nicholas J Goddard, Richa Mohan, Pradeep M Poonnoose, Brian M Feldman, Sandra Zelman Lewis, H Marijke van den Berg, Glenn F Pierce, WFH guidelines for the management of hemophilia, Haemophilia, 26, (1), 2020, p1 - 158
Alison Dougall, Olivia Apperley, Gillian Smith, Louise Madden, Laura Parkinson, Blanaid Daly, Safety of buccal infiltration local anaesthesia for dental procedures, Haemophilia , 25, (2), 2019, p270 - 275
A Rahman, N Nizarali, A Dougall, B Daly, UK hemophilia treaters' knowledge of risk assessment for prolonged bleeding associated with dental procedures, Special Care in Dentistry, 39, (2), 2019, p173 - 179
Brett Duane, Alison Dougall, Sustainable Dentistry - Editorial, 39, Special Care in Dentistry, Wiley, July, 2019, p351 - 353
E Biguzzi, A Dougall, O Romero-Lux, Non-gynaecological issues in women with bleeding disorders, The Journal of Haemophilia Practice, 6, (2), 2019, p39 - 43
A Dougall, B Daly, S Scambler, The hidden impact of bleeding from the mouth-the lived experience of people with haemophilia, haemophilia, WFH 2018 World Congress, glasgow, 24-28 may 2018, edited by Wiley , 24, wiley, 2018, pp67 - 68
Denise Faulks, A Dougall, G Ting, T Ari, J Nunn, C Friedman, J John, B Daly, Valérie Roger‐Leroi, JT Newton, Development of a battery of tests to measure attitudes and intended behaviours of dental students towards people with disability or those in marginalised groups, European Journal of Dental Education, 22, (2), 2018, pe278-e290-
Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Buca, Valencia Spain , Medicina Oral S.L, [eds.], 2018
Alison Dougall, Kathryn McLister, Niamh O'Connell, Anne O'Sullivan, Audit of the use of oral anti-fibrinolytics with local haemostatic measures for patients with mild bleeding disorders undergoing dental extractions, Haemophilia, WFH 2018 World Congress, Glasgow, May 20-24 2018, edited by Wiley , 24, Wiley, 2018, pp70 - 70
Alison Dougall, Branislav Bajkin, Graeme Ting, Blanaid Daly, Achieving consensus for the management of bleeding from the mouth for people with haemophilia using a Delphi process, Haemophilia , WFH World Congress, Glasgow, 24-28 may 2018, edited by Mike Makris , 24, Wiley, 2018, pp57 - 58
Dougall A, Martinez Pereira F, Molina G, Eschevins C, Daly B, Faulks D , Identifying common factors of functioning, participation and environment amongst adults requiring specialist oral health care using the International Classification of Functioning, disability and health, PLoS One, 13, (7), 2018
Special Care in Dentistry, USA, Wiley, [eds.], 2017-2018
Faulks D, Dougall A, Ting G, Ari T, Nunn J, Friedman C, John J, Daly B, Roger-Leroi V, Newton JT , Development of a battery of tests to measure attitudes and intended behaviours of dental students towards people with disability or those in marginalised groups, European Journal of Dental Education, DOI: 10.1111/eje.122, (DOI: 10.1111/eje.122), 2017, pDOI: 10.1111/eje.12292
Jan Kühnisch, Monica Daubländer, Gunilla Klingberg, A Dougall, M Spyridonos Loizides, E Stratigaki, JL Amar, V Anttonen, Monty Duggal, S Gizani, Best clinical practice guidance for local analgesia in paediatric dentistry: an EAPD policy document, European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 18, (5), 2017, p313 - 321
Dougall A, Hayes M, Daly B , A systematic review of the use of local analgesia in medically compromised children and adolescents, European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 18, (5), 2017, p331 - 343
D Faulks, G Molina, C Eschevins, A Dougall, Child oral health from the professional perspective-a global ICF‐CY survey, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 26, (4), 2016, p266 - 280
Mac Giolla Phadraig, Caoimhin, Dougall, Alison, Stapleton, Siobhan, McGeown, Danielle, Nunn, June, Guerin, Suzanne, What should dental services for people with disabilities in Ireland be like? Agreed priorities from a focus group of people with learning disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2016, pDOI 10.1111/bld.12152
A Dougall, G Pughe, A multi centre prospective study audited the outcome of adverse events following buccal infiltration injections for patients with a range of bleeding disorders, Haemophilia , World Federation of Haemophilia World Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2016, 22, (8), Wiley, 2016, pp8
Alison Dougall, Max Bramer Lecture: Education in Special Care Dentistry-the Way Forward, SCDA Congress 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA, 27th March , 2015, Special Care in Dentistry, 35,4 - 151pp
Dougall A, Molina GF, Eschevins C, Faulks D., A Global Oral Health Survey of professional opinion using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health., J Dent., 43, (6), 2015, p683 - 694
A Dougall, S Thompson, Pani S Chandra, D Faulks, J Nunn, Developing Curriculum Guidance In Special Care Dentistry At The Post-graduate Level, European Journal of Dental Education , ADEE - Comnunication and Interaction in Dentistry, Szeged, Hungary, 26-29 August 2015, edited by Wiley , 19, (1), Wiley, 2015, pp6
Mac Giolla Phadraig C, Nunn J, Dougall A, O'Neill E, McLoughlin J, Guerin S, What should dental services for people with disabilities be like? Results of an irish delphi panel survey., PloS one, 9, (11), 2014, pe113393
G Ting, D Noone, PL Every, AJ Dougall, Incorporating patient expertise in the design of a disease specific mobile dental application to promote oral health for people with hemophilia, Haemophilia , World Federation of Haemophilia World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 11-15, 2014, edited by Wiley , 20, (127), Wiley, 2014, pp127
Dougall A, Thompson SA, Faulks D, Ting G, Nunn J, Guidance for the core content of a Curriculum in Special Care Dentistry at the undergraduate level., European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 18, (1), 2014, p39-43
Timucin, A, Dogan, C, Blankenstein, R, Dougall, A., Cross-cultural adaptation of the iADH undergraduate curriculum learning outcomes in special care dentistry, Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 14, (3), 2013, p103 - 110
Dougall A, Thompson S, Guidance on the core content of an undergraduate curriculum in special care dentistry., British dental journal, 215, (7), 2013, p349-50
Dougall, A, Pani, SC, Thompson, S, Faulks, D, Romer, M, Nunn, J., Developing an undergraduate curriculum in special care dentistry - by consensus, European Journal of Dental Education, 17, (1), 2013, p46 - 56
MacCarthy D, Nunn J, Healy CM, Stassen LF, Gorman T, Martin B, Toner M, Clarke M, Dougall A, McLoughlin J, Kelly A, Waldron C, O'Sullivan M, Doyle C, Flint S, Outcomes from the first mouth cancer awareness and clinical check-up day in the Dublin Dental University Hospital., Journal of the Irish Dental Association, 58, (2), 2012, p101-8
L McElvanna, N O'Connell,A Dougall,, Successful management of bleeding associated with periodontal disease in a patient with type 2 B Von Willebrands Disease, Journal of Haemophilia, World Federation of Haemophilia Global Scientific Meeting, Paris, 9-12th July, 2012, WFH Medical Advisory Board , Abstracts Book, (Wiley), 2012
Faulks D, Freedman L, Thompson S, Sagheri D, Dougall A, The Value of Education in Special Care Dentistry as a Means of Reducing Inequalities in Oral Health., European Journal of Dental Education: Official Journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 16, (4), 2012, p195 - 201
A Dougall, Development of a global curriculum in Special Care Dentistry by consensus, The International Association for Disability and Oral Health Scientific Congress 2012, Melbourne, Australia, October 25th, 2012, IADH
A Dougall, Ageing and Haemophilia Plenary Session - The challenges of the ageing dentition, WFH Global Congress 2012, Paris, 10th July, 2012, World Federation of Haemohilia
A Dougall , The meaning and Value of Oral Health for people with haemophilia - a qualitative pilot study , Journal of Haemophilia, The World Federation of Haemophilia Scientific Congress, Paris, 9th-12th July 2012, edited by The WFH Medical Advisory Board , Abstracts Book, Wiley International, 2012
G Smith, A Dougall, Audit of the success of buccal infiltration with articaine to aneathetise mandibular molars for restorative treatment in patients with coagulation disorders, Journal of Haemophilia, World Federation of Haemophilia Global Scientific Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2010, edited by Meical Advisory Board, WFH , Abtracts Book, Wiley International, 2010
A Dougall, B O'Mahoney, Evaluation of a new model of shared care to increase access to preventive dental treatment for patietns with haemophilia, International Journal of Disaility and oral Health, International Association for Disability and Oral Health Scientific Conference 2010, Ghent, Belgium, 25th-28th August 201, edited by J Nunn and S Thompson , Abstracts Book, 2010
Janice Fiske Alison Dougall Debbie Lewis, A Clinical Guide to Special Care Dentistry, 1, London, British Dental Journal, 2009
A Dougall, Summary of Dental Assessment prior ro stem cell transplant:treatment need and barriers to care, British Dental Journal, 206, (9), 2009, p478 - 479
M Freedman, B. White, A Dougall, An audit of a protocol for the management of patietns with hereditory bleeding disorders undergoing dental treatment, Journal of Disability and Oral Health, 10, (4), 2009, p151 - 153
A Dougall, J Fiske, Surviving child sexual abuse, Dental Update, 36, (5), 2009, p294-7-
A Dougall, J Fiske, Access to Special care dentistry - Education, British Dental Journal, 205, (4), 2008, p119 - 130
A Dougall, J Fiske, Access to Special Care Dentistry - Consent and Capacity, British Dental Journal, 205, (2), 2008, p71 - 81
Lewis D, Fiske J, Dougall A, Access to special care dentistry, part 7. Special care dentistry services: seamless care for people in their middle years--part 1., British Dental Journal, 205, (6), 2008, p305 - 317
A Dougall, J Fiske, Access to Special Care Dentistry, British Dental Journal, 204, (11), 2008, p605 - 16
Dougall A, Fiske J, Access to special care dentistry, part 9. Special care dentistry services for older people., British Dental Journal, 205, (8), 2008, p421 - 434
A Dougall, J Fiske, Access to Special Care Dentistry, British Dental Journal, 205, (4), 2008, p177-190-
Lewis D, Fiske, J Dougall A, Access to special care dentistry, part 8. Special care dentistry services: seamless care for people in their middle years - part 2., British Dental Journal, 205, (7), 2008, p359 - 371
A Dougall, J Fiske, Access to Special care dentistry part 2 Commnunnication, British Dental Journal, 205, (1), 2008, p11 - 21
Dougall A, Fiske J, Access to special care dentistry, part 6. Special care dentistry services for young people., British Dental Journal, 205, (5), 2008, p235 - 249
Research Expertise
Research interests include Disability Studies and Inequality, Clinical Special Care Dentistry. Education in Special Care Dentistry. Patient-centred research and translational clinical research especially focussing on haemostasis and thrombosisProjects
- Title
- Gum bleeding in Haemophilia - Gingivitis or Much-Cutaneous Bleeding
- Summary
- This is a blinded randomised controlled trial looking as the nature and aetiology of gum bleeding and its impact on quality of life for people living with von willebrands disease and testing personalised education and clinical interventions to reduce gum bleeding in this cohort,
- Funding Agency
- Irish Thrombosis and Haemostasis Bursary
- Title
- Dental Treatment for Patients taking Emicizumab
- Funding Agency
- Roche
- Title
- Developme of a Tool to measure bleeding outcomes in Haemophilia
- Funding Agency
- Irish Society of Haemostasis and Thrombosis
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2024
Chair of World Federation of Haemophilia Dental Division
Education Committee of International Association for Disability and Oral Health
Dental Sedation Teachers Group - Dublin Representative
Special Care Dentistry Teachers Group - Dublin Representative
Editor of International Association for Disbility and Oral Health
Chair of Medical Advisory Board of European Haemophilia Consortium
Member of the Academic Reference Group for the new Oral Health Policy advising the Department of Health.
President of the International Association for Disability and Oral Health
Awards and Honours
HMI Health Leader of Ireland 2016
IADR Irish Division Prize for Dental Public Health 2017
Honorary Life Member Irish Society for Disability and Orsl Health
Irish Society for Disability and Oral Health
Member of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR)
Member of the British Society of Gerodontology
Member of the Dental Teachers Sedation Group
Member of SAAD
International Society for Disability and Oral Health