
Journal Articles

The costs of doing hard time: a penitentiary-based price index for Canada, 1883-1923. Forthcoming, Canadian journal of economics. With Mary MacKinnon (McGill).

Previously Trinity Economic Papers 2005/01, this version includes the data appendix.

Immigration policy and the skills of Irish immigrants: evidence and implications Forthcoming, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland.

Conspicous by their absence: French Canadians and the settlement of the Canadian West. Journal of economic history, 65 (2005), 822-849. With Alan Green (Queen's) and Mary MacKinnon.

The spirit of capitalism? Immigration, religion, and self-employment in early 20th century Canada. Explorations in economic history., 42 (2005), 259-281. With Marian Rizov (Middlesex).

Dominion or Republic? Migrants to North America from the United Kingdom, 1870-1910. Economic history review, 55 (2002), 666-696. With Alan Green and Mary MacKinnon.

Income, cohort effects, and occupational mobility: A New look at immigration to the United States at the turn of the 20th century. Explorations in Economic History, 37 (2000), 326-350.

Working Papers

The First World War and the emergence of national markets in Canada. With Mary MacKinnon.

Hours of work in Old and New Worlds: the long view, 1870-2000. With Michael Huberman (Université de Montréal). IIIS Discussion Paper 95

Updated on 01/03/06
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