Lecture 15.
CAP Pillar 2 policies: from socio-structural policy to rural development

(download Powerpoint lecture notes)

What we want to learn about this topic

Short introduction to the issues

Definition of structural policy

EU agricultural structures policy originally comprised those measures intended to influence the pace and direction of the adjustment of agricultural structures over time. By agricultural structures is meant both the production structure of individual farms (the relative use of capital and labour, for example) as well as the size structure of holdings and the demographic structure of the agricultural industry. These measures were originally funded from the Guidance Section of FEOGA in contrast to price and market policy measures funded by the Guarantee Section. Examples of measures funded under EU structural policy include:

More recently, this agriculture-focused view of structural policy has merged with wider issues of rural development into an integrated EU rural development policy supporting both the multi-functionality of agriculture and the economic improvement of rural areas. This is now seen (post Agenda 2000) as the second pillar of the CAP. However, advocates of rural development were disappointed that Agenda 2000 did not make greater strides in that direction and EU rural development policy remains heavily farm-based. There has been only incremental change in the new Rural Development Regulation which will run from 2007-2013.

Objectives of EU structural policy

Thus the story of EU structural policy is one of evolution from a uniform, farm-oriented policy based on so-called 'horizontal measures' through regionally-differentiated programmes to the post-Agenda 2000 emphasis on rural development in which countries and regions can choose from a wide menu of programmes. This is reflected in its changing objectives over time.

Initial objectives were:

Subsequently more emphasis has been put on policies:

Drivers of change in structural policy include:

Early evolution of EU structural policy 1964-1987

The 1988 Framework Regulation on EU Structural Funds

The Framework Regulation redefined the objectives of the EU's Structural Funds, and introduced the objective of rural development for the first time.

Five objectives in all were specified.

The Regulation also introduced significant changes in the disbursement of structural funds:

Programming of Structural Funds in Objective 1 regions organised through Community Support Frameworks.

The LEADER Community Initiative

MacSharry CAP reform accompanying measures

Summary: Evolution of EU rural development policy 1988-1999

EU rural development policy post Agenda 2000

Basic principles

Main elements

The rural development arm of Agenda 2000 draws together many previous structural policies under a single rural development heading. The measures included can be summarised as follows:

In addition, two horizontal measures were introduced in Agenda 2000:

Procedural innovations

Financing innovations

Critique and evaluation

Pillar 2 in the 2007-2013 Financial Perspective Period

Three issues of note:

Reading suggestions

AgraCEAS, 2005. Synthesis of Rural Development Mid-Term Evaluations, Chapter 1, DG Agriculture, Brussels.
(examines the history of EU rural development measures)

Wye Group Handbook, 2005, A Summary of EU Agriculture and Rural Development Policies, Annex 2, Rural Households' Livelihood and Well-Being, UNECE.
(a short summary of the evolution of the CAP Pillar 2 policy)

Commission, 2007. Fact Sheet, The EU Rural Development Policy 2007-2013, Brussels.

Supplementary reading:

There is a useful discussion of EU rural development policy in chapter 5 of the House of Lords Report, The Future Financing of the Common Agricultural Policy. [download full report as pdf file] [access html version of chapter online]

The European Commission, Proposal for a Council Regulation on support to Rural Development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Commission Staff Working Document, Extended Impact Assessment, SEC(2004) 931, Brussels.
(sets out the rationale and proposed changes in the new Rural Development Regulation. This Impact Assessment was subsequently updated in SEC(2005) 914 containing new sections highlighting the key Community objectives for rural development, the new reporting system and the timetable for programming deadlines. The European Union's strategic guidelines for rural development were published in July 2005).

Government of Ireland, National Development Plan 2000-2006, Dublin, Stationery Office, 1999, Ch. 11 'Rural Development' (plan can be downloaded but its a large file so better to consult it in the Library)
(sets out how Ireland intends to spend the current tranche of EU agricultural structural funds under the second pillar)

Department of Agriculture and Food, 1999, CAP Rural Development Plan, 2000-2006, Dublin, Stationery Office.
(covers the four accompanying measures - but best overall starting point is the Heritage Council report which is next item)

Gwyn, D., L. Jones, E. Bignal, L. Lysaght, D. Baldock and J. Phelan 2003, A Review of the CAP Rural Development Plan 2000-2006: Implications for Natural Heritage, The Heritage Council, Kilkenny, Ireland.
(evaluates the four measures which make up the CAP Rural Development Plan in Ireland, primarily from an environmental perspective, and thus concentrates mainly on the REPS scheme, but introductory chapters are useful in setting the scene and describing the relationship between the RDP and the agricultural measures in the National Development Plan)


DG Agriculture's rural development website