Grattan PhD Scholarship
Two of these prestigious scholarships are available for students entering in 2015/2016. These scholarships run for four years and cover fees and an annual stipend of €20,000. As part of the scholarship, Grattan scholars contribute to the department's teaching programme. The scholarships are in the project areas described below. (The department also has funding for PhD students in other topic areas. Please contact the PhD director Professor Francis O'Toole to discuss opportunities at TCD.)
Students must be first admitted to the Department's PhD programme ( The closing date for applications for entry to the PhD register and consideration for this Grattan Scholarship is 1st April 2015.
Financial Globalisation
Supervisor: Professor Philip R. Lane
Building on TCD's strong research record in this area, the Grattan scholar will write a dissertation that advances understanding of financial globalisation. Topic areas could include the analysis of international balance sheets and international financial flows and/or the interaction between the external wealth of nations and the domestic financial system and/or the implications of financial globalisation for macroeconomic policy or economic outcomes. The aim is to generate research findings that will not only advance the academic frontier but will also be directly relevant to policymakers at national, European and global levels.
Supervisor: Professor Gaia Narciso
Research areas will include topics in the economics of migration, such as the analysis of push and pull factors of migration, the impact of remittances and/or the role of migration networks. In particular, the project could explore the historical drivers of migration in the Age of Mass Migration. The research strategy will use a variety of historical data sources, with the aim of constructing and exploring a unique dataset which combines individual socio-economic characteristics with migratory behaviour. Ireland represents an exceptional case study on the Age of Mass Migration, as about 8 per 1,000 of the total Irish population are reported to have migrated in the years preceding World War I. Using the combined information, the project will offer a new historical perspective on migration.
Find out more about The Grattan Scholars programme