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Module Details for SOU33052 Social Stratification and Inequalities (Part 2 HT)


Module Code


Module Name

Social Stratification and Inequalities

ECTS weighting


Semester/term taught

Hilary Term

Learning Outcomes

  • critically discuss the concepts, and methodological tools useful for, describing social inequalities
  • describe and compare social inequalities within and between societies
  • critically discuss and evaluate the evidence of theories of causes of social inequality
  • critically discuss and evaluate theories of consequences of social inequality

Module Content

The module examines forms, causes and consequences of social inequality. The module approaches various forms of social inequality (e.g. economic, educational and health) and their reproduction from a modern social-science theory position that combines explanatory theory with rigorous empirical research. While sociological theories of social inequality are at the centre of the course, the module also familiarises students with recent contributions from the fields of economics and epidemiology. Empirically, the orientation is cross-national, covering modern post-industrial societies, with a particular focus on Ireland, as well as the historical evolution of inequalities in human societies. 

Assessment Details

Coursework Assignment 100%