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Public Lecture - Greed and the Crisis

  • Speaker: Antti Kauppinen, Philosophy Department, TCD

  • Date: Thursday 10 May 2012 from 6.30 - 7.45pm

  • Venue: Swift Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin

Antti Kauppinen delivered a public lecture titled "Greed and the Crisis". This lecture was one of a series of talks, by academics in Trinity's School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, addressing the theme of The Debt Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Controls.

Lecture Overview

Is the economic crisis the result of a moral crisis? Antti Kauppinen addressed the surprisingly popular explanation that it is the greed of bankers, developers, and politicians that accounts for the economic situation. He also explored when pursuit of self-interest becomes greed, exploring the role of character in explaining behaviour, and asked how institutional arrangements can promote virtue, or at least discourage vice.

Talk Content

Speaker Biography

Antti Kauppinen is a lecturer in the Philosophy Department in Trinity College Dublin. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Helsinki in 2008. From 2007–2009 Antti was a teaching fellow at the University of St. Andrews, and from 2008 he was also a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam. His research interests in ethics and political philosophy include philosophical moral psychology, metaethics, well–being, and the foundations of human rights. He is currently working on a monograph on sentimentalism in moral psychology.

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Last updated 13 June 2014 .