You could reognize a horse you had ever seen before as well

TCD MS 11274/64 folio 1 recto

TCD MS 11274/64 folio 1 recto

[?March 1917] Sunday

My dearest with 4 letters to you this evening I am very lucky, also the drawing I liked it awfully and also the little horsemen. I love your little horses as you get such a good expression in them. I suppose it is because you know a horse well. I was telling LS only yesterday that you could reognize a horse you had ever seen before as well if not better than a human person. LS tells me this is not uncommon and that he thinks also that all horses are different and can recognize one easily. I liked the drawing of the farm scene very much indeed and as you said well-composed but very nicely done too as I think. (Interrupted here by dinner) We have had three guests tonight Two have gone away. We have not (amongst the 3) got the value of our former of whom I wrote you. There is no story to tell you of tonights party. An extraordinary thing has happened here I do not quite know really what has happened. I dont think anybody does but no doubt Filson Young will make it pretty clear in the Daily Mail. For whatever he says I dont expect its really anything to get up in the night or wave flags over. LS likes both your horse galloping and your little farm very much. Letters off more later
Yours very lovingly