We were all in the best of health and spirits

TCD MS 10853 folio 14 recto

TCD MS 10853 folio 14 recto

Of course we met the boys again, and Ben had a comfortable billet close by and so had Bob.
Oct 20th. Tuesday. (From letter).
“Grand route march led by our tip-top Bugle Band.  The country round about was absolutely beautiful – narrow lanes, tall trees and beautiful autumn foliage and as we marched we had plenty of singing”.
The route marches at Sevenoaks were splendid and unforgettable.  We were all in the best of health and spirits and all of us were happy in the possession of these and in the knowledge that we were doing our duty and would soon be in France.  We used to march to Seal Park about 6 miles away and after having a good rest, munching apples and chestnuts which were given us by the gardeners, we would drill for an hour or so and then march back in a different way.  We often had afternoons off when we played football and in the