We decided that it must have been a stray shot

TCD MS 10853 folio 94 recto

TCD MS 10853 folio 94 recto


spot where the affair happened and reporting the torn tunic we decided that it must have been a stray shot from the enemy’s lines. After answering all their questions, and they did not treat the affair as a culpable one, or a mistake, but just as an unfortunate accident, I returned to the trench stopping again for a few minutes to chat to Major Wainwright. I don’t think I was very upset but my main feeling was of sorrow that his life should have been thrown away on such a fruitless errand, and of thankfulness that I had escaped.
During the afternoon Sergt. Wilcox a most unpopular Sergt of 8 Platoon came along chipping at a wooden cross he was making for Marshall and said “We are going to fetch Jim’s body in to-night will you come” and show us where he is”. I said “Right” and when it was