We continued to pick up castaway soldiers

TCD MS 3416 page 48

TCD MS 3416 page 48

[June 1916]

We continued to pick up castaway soldiers until finally we had collected a total of 27 sick and exhausted men, all far gone with dysentry and in a shocking state. I asked the name of the Turk in charge of the convoy who had left these men to die on the road. He should be convicted of gross and disgraceful inhumanity.

A German subordinate here gave us great help, he found a a suitable building for the sick and procured suitable food for them with money which General Melliss advanced, namely two liras, for the purpose. He breakfasted with us and afterwards went with the General to the local Commandant and reported what he had seen and what he thought of it; the General further stated that he refused to proceed until he had himself seen the sick men provided with carts and en route for MAOURIE. The Commandant said that there was no transport available at that moment, so the General returned to his camp “to await” as he said “its arrival”. In consequence of this action, the Commandant soon sent word to say that a convoy was starting at 4 p.m. that day and that one sick man could be placed on each cart – we saw the convoy off and followed it an hour later. Later on we picked up three of