To be a prisoner without books is beyond description

TCD MS 3416 page 86

TCD MS 3416 page 86

[December 1916]

Germans there had objected to the familiar way the Turkish Comdt treated them and entertained them to dinner. Our treatment soon lapsed back to old ways, except that we did get more walks and Col Chitty had access to the Comdt which he never had before. To be a prisoner without books is beyond description – our books many of which were educational were on arrival promptly seized on the plea that they had to be sent to Constantinople to be censored. One batch of 30 did however come back in 3 weeks, but the remainder never were seen

After 5 months, having been completely cut off from the outer world, save for our letters, we were allowed to subscribe to some newspapers and the local war telegram, the former we ordered and paid for on Nov 1st 1916 and did not receive them till Feb 15th 1917, the latter we seldom got, for it was too much trouble for the Turks to even give us this small pleasure by remembering to get them from the telegraph office. Time passed and Xmas was at hand. Peace and Goodwill towards men was uppermost in everyones mind – we asked Hussan Effendi De Mulazim and Moyes the interpreter to dinner and to our concert afterwards, to which came also