The Arch of Ctesiphon was built 12,000 years ago

TCD MS 3414 folio 13 recto

TCD MS 3414 folio 13 recto


near Opis. At Suleiman Pak, 20 miles downstream from Baghdad & south of the Dialah river, stands the Arch of Ctesiphon: a huge structure of massive masonry, ornamented, & carved with various designs of historical events. It was built some 12,000 years ago by Chosroe King of the Medes as a palace. When the Mohammedon conquest of this region took place 700 AD; Two generals are said to have quarrelled over a certain jewled carpet said to have existed in the main room of the Arch, they divided it however but a Kalif <of Baghdad> hearing of this ordered them to give it up! <The Kalifs founded Baghdad about 700 AD.> As regards the Arab inhabitants, those living round Kurna & Basra are known as the Marsh Arab, he lives <mostly> on fish, & dwells in reed huts in the marshes, he wears practically no clothes, & spends his time looting & killing his neighbour, in short they are savages, pure & simple. The tribesmen further up river are if anything slightly more civilized, they live in tents & lead a nomad life tending flocks & growing small quantities of grain & dates which they float down to Basra for packing & export. They are cowardly cutthroats, always ready to loot & murder a wounded man, the fact is I have seen so