Rats attacked again last night and took your photo on to the floor

TCD MS 11274/82 folio 2 recto

TCD MS 11274/82 folio 2 recto

[11th February [?1918] ]pose of having an excuse to say that the Country desired peace. The result of the West came to the West, and Court (pro-German) prevailed is easily seen. Russia backs out leaving goodness knows how many Germans free to hold this front. Moreover all the Allied Eastern aims are immediately dispersed. Mittel Europea is established and probably Italy is defeated and we here are reduced to the defensive and the alternatives of an indefinitely paralyzed war or an immediate inconclusive peace which would suit me OK because it would be over but for the proper British patriots would be hard to bear.
I suppose that the Germans are staking all their aims and bending all their energies to bring about Russian disaffection & withdrawal. Their only chance but what a great prospect it opens before them. The last New Statesman had a good article about it. You should certainly read it and get better & fuller information about this tremendous affair. Have I a bit of news at all dearie. Rats attacked again last night and took your photo on to the floor but didnt damage it at all. They generally close their operations at 2am and go to their beds. As soon as we have the lights out about 11pm they come in their Working parties. You hear them loping along the communications tunnel in heavy soft strides and immediately get up on the table and start in.
Goodbye now dearie for the day. Keep yourself well till the great peace comes.
Very loving