My first glimpse of Mesopotamia, or Irak, was an arid beach

TCD MS 3414 folio 4 recto

TCD MS 3414 folio 4 recto


on reaching the Gulf of Oman the sea was like a millpond. My first glimpse of Mesopotamia, or Irak, was an arid beach and hundreds of palm trees, the heat was intense 1220 F. in the shade. We passed Fao the scene of the first landing by the 16th Bde of our Division the previous Nov, & steamed slowly up the large estuary of the Tigris & Euphrates, – the Shatt-el-Arab. Vast date gardens were seen on both banks and into them ran small creeks near which were the mud dwellings of the local Arabs. Quaint native river craft made their way up & down the waterway, halting occasionally at a small creek to collect dates & other wares. A few hours steaming brought us to Abadan, the Head Qrs of the Persian Oil Company: for the occupation of which the force from India had originally been sent. Mohammerch, in Persian territory was soon reached; here the local Sheikh had built a “palace” on the waters edge, he was friendly, only no doubt because his residence was within point blank range of our river gunboats! A few miles up stream from here, the Turks on the outbreak of war <had> sunk 2 large steamers and an iron barge, with a view to blocking the fairway: this enterprize failed <for> they had sunk the vessels in the wrong place leaving the deep chanel