I didn’t know at all that chloroform was ever given

TCD MS 11274/83 folio 1 recto

TCD MS 11274/83 folio 1 recto

30th March [?1918]
My dearie At last 4 big letters today after very many days of waiting and awfully glad I was dearie to get them. And then me of them had that lovely reddish brown horses head I liked it very much indeed my Dearie. Also the parcel arrived it is going into the Mess of the Buttery with which I am billeted. And the Book has also arrived of German grammar but I have no way of studying just now in the circumstances in which I am. Well dearie about the Doctor I didnt know at all that chloroform was ever given but I am sure it should be done if you think it should be and I would like you certainly to arrange with that in view so that if it was going to be best you could have it. You see Dearie you ask me what I think about it. How could I think anything about it except to wish you to be saved pain and I am sure I cannot see anything against it and as you say if everybody does it without harm it seems certainly the best thing to do. So do arrange it dear if you have not already done so. About South Hill it is very annoying that people