A crowd collected to watch the English and Indians

TCD MS 3416 page 53

TCD MS 3416 page 53

[June 1916]

Chapter IV

Kalek-Burgas. Konia, Angora. Yozgad.

KALEK BURGAS is a railhead at the foot of the <East>ern side of the Taurus mountains, for there is no railway over this vast range, neither is there likely to be for many years. On our arrival there, we found a mountain stream near the station which afforded us a bath; and as usual, a large crowd collected to watch those extraordinary peoples the English and Indians, whose custom it was to wash their bodies with soap and water every time that they got near water. The better class of Turk goes at intervals to a Turkish bath, which are usually very dirty and smelly and not to be compared with the Turkish baths in England. We found that arrangements for our disposal were all ready made, in that tents had been erected in rows and that the ground had been swept, and that instead of going over the Taurus in carts, necessitating our sleeping out in the cold, we were to go in motor lorries which would take only 9 hours to complete the journey. For this great comfort we were indebted to a German officer in charge of the motor transport; this officer also arranged that our Generals and Colonels were not encamped with us at Kalek Burgas, but were