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Student Services Committee Papers

Student Services Committee Papers

Terms of Reference

1          Objectives

The Student Services Committee is a Principal Committee of the Board responsible for the creation of policy for the provision of student services and to oversee the implementation of College’s strategy on student service provision and the Student Experience and to provide timely advice to Board on areas within its remit. 

Student Services include, in alphabetical order, Careers, Chaplaincy, Day Nursery, Disability, Health, Sport, Student Counselling and the Tutorial Service. 

2          Membership

2.1       The Committee, which shall be appointed by Board, shall comprise:

Dean of Students
Two Directors of Student Services
At least two Elected Board members
Students’ Union Welfare Officer
President Graduate Students’ Union
Dean of Graduate Studies
Two Heads of School
Senior Tutor
The Senior Lecturer
Secretary to College (or nominee)
Treasurer (or nominee)

In attendance: Administrative Officer, Senior Tutor’s Office

2.2       The Chairperson of the Committee shall be an Elected Board Member.

2.3       Membership of the Committee shall be reviewed regularly by the Chairperson in consultation with the Registrar and changes as required shall be recommended to the Board at that time.

2.4       The two Directors of Student Services will each serve on the Committee for a period of three years, thereafter rotating with other Directors of Student Services.

2.5       Other members of the Committee shall be appointed for a three year term renewable for a further three year term.  The aim is to change the membership from time to time to ensure an appropriate balance between continuity and fresh perspectives.

3          Meetings and  Quorum

3.1       The Committee shall meet quarterly throughout the year, or more frequently if the business requiring its attention should so dictate.

3.2       Joint formal meetings with other Principal Committees of Board may be convened as business requires.

3.3       One of the Directors of Student Services will act as Secretary to the Committee. He/she shall be responsible for the preparation and distribution of agenda, papers, minutes and reports following consultation with the Chairperson of the Committee.

3.4       An agenda and papers will normally be circulated one week in advance of each meeting.  The Agenda items will be classified as follows:

Section A items – Policy Issues
Section B Items – Oversight of policy matters
Section C items – Items for Noting

3.5       The quorum for meetings shall be seven (50% of the membership plus one).

3.6       The Committee may invite other persons, including other Directors of Student Services, to attend meetings for specific agenda items.

3.7       The draft minutes of the Committee shall be circulated to the Board as soon as possible for noting and/or discussion as necessary. Items, if any, of concern to Board will be noted in the minutes.

3.8       The Chair of the Committee and other Board representative(s) on the Committee shall be available to report orally to the Board on key aspects of the proceedings of the Committee as required.

3.9       In order to aid its operation the Student Services Committee may establish advisory groups from the user communities and may arrange for subgroups to consider specialist issues and bring forward recommendations to the Student Services Committee. These subgroups will involve members of the College community with relevant expertise and experience.

4          Duties

The main functions of the Student Services Committee are:

4.1       Policy

  1. Develop policies relating to student services provision
  2. Commission as necessary the development of new or review of existing policies in respect of student services provision
  3. Review policies relating to student services provision in line with the strategic planning process and legislative requirements, or as otherwise required.

4.2       Oversight and Advisory

  1. Oversee the implementation of College’s Strategy on student services arising from the College’s Strategic Plan, including the social, cultural, religious and sports facilities and development opportunities available for students
  2. Oversee the implementation of policies relating to student service provision
  3. Receive quarterly and annual reports from the heads of student services and other administrative and academic units as relevant
  4. Monitor the effective application of strategic risk management in the provision of student services through reports from responsible officers
  5. Monitor the activities of sub-committees through consideration of minutes, recommendations and/or presentations to the Committee
  6. Ensure an integrated and strategic approach to the provision of student services in College, identifying priorities as appropriate and creating complementary linkages between services and the students’ academic experience
  7. To include a schedule in the Terms of Reference detailing the College Policies applicable to the monitoring functions of the Committee

4.3       Authority

The Committee will operate under the delegated authority of the Board.

  1. The Committee may establish and approve terms of reference and membership for sub-committees/groups as may be required to advise on activities relating to services to students
  2. The Committee may consider/review any matter falling within its terms of reference, calling on whatever resources and information it considers necessary to do so
  3. The Committee is authorised to seek any information it requires from any necessary employee of the College or associated body to enable it discharge its responsibilities and shall have made available to it on a timely basis all information requested from any employee in a clear, concise and well organised manner
  4. The Committee is responsible for ensuring the disbursement of monies to the capitated bodies by the Capitation Committee and for receiving an annual financial report from the Chair of the Capitation Committee
  5. The Committee shall convey recommendations formulated by the Capitation Committee concerning student levies to Board together with its own recommendations re same

5.         Performance Evaluation

The Committee shall, at least once a year, review its own performance and its terms of reference and shall report its conclusions and recommend any changes it considers necessary to the Board.

Student Services Committee – Schedule of Sub-Committees

  1. Capitation Committee
  2. Financial Assistance Committee

Student Services Committee – Schedule of Advisory Committees

Heads of Student Services Forum (Chair: Dean of Students)


Last updated: Mar 14 2019.