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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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The practical course will teach you the techniques required to apply what you have learned from the lectures. You will be allocated a demonstrator, who is a postgraduate student, and who will oversee and assess your performance in the laboratory.  The JF labs take place in the Physical Chemistry teaching Laboratory (second floor of the SNIAMS building) during Semester 1 (Chemistry of ions in solution, Volumetric analysis and Physical Chemistry). The JF labs take place in the Cocker Laboratory in Semester 2 (Organic Chemistry and Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry).

TCD Cockerlab

You will receive a copy of the laboratory manual, which includes a section for recording your data.  The labs are assessed throughout the semesters and your lab mark forms part of your final grade (25%).

Safety is of paramount importance. Before starting work you should read the Faculty Safety manual and be aware of the safety regulations (such as the wearing of a white laboratory coat and safety glasses).  Those students attending Biological laboratories will require a Howie laboratory coat.  Safety glasses can be purchased during the first laboratory session and are compulsory for all those not wearing prescription glasses.

Any students with disabilities or ongoing illness should make themselves known to the member of staff in charge of their laboratory.

Please note that the practical is preceded by a pre-practical talk.  ATTENDANCE AT THIS IS COMPULSORY and if not attended may result in your expulsion from the practical class.


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